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AEW Dynamite Results for July 14, 2021


Tonight’s Fyter Fest Night 1 was held live from the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park, TX!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

IWGP US Title Match!

IWGP US Champion Jon Moxley (with Eddie Kingston) vs. “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson (with Doc Gallows & Don Callis)!

Eddie Kingston attacked Doc Gallows with a lead pipe before the match began. Kingston and Gallows brawled out into the crowd!

“I think that evens things up a bit. We know what The Elite will do,” said Schiavone.

Mox and Anderson slugged it out, trading forearms once the bell rang.

“We are off to a raucous start here,” said Excalibur.

Moxley clotheslined Anderson over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. “Machine Gun” blocked a suplex from Moxley and countered with a suplex of his own onto the arena floor. Anderson showed off his accuracy with a running kick to Moxley. He followed up with a spinebuster to Mox! They climbed to the top ropes and Mox superplexed Karl Anderson!

Anderson hit Moxley with a cutter off the top rope, but Moxley kicked out! Moxley booted Anderson in the midsection. He tried for the Paradigm Shift, but Anderson countered with a Gun Stun! Moxley used a short arm clothesline with authority and then retrained after the Paradigm Shift!

The MurderHawk Monster Lance Archer challenged Jon Moxley to a Texas Death Match for next week!

Earlier in the day, Alex Abrahantes interviewed Andrade El Idolo.

“Where is The Death Triangle? I want you to give them a message. El Idolo is looking for them,” said Andrade El Idolo.

Up next: For the FTW World Championship!

FTW Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs were watching from ringside. Taz joined the commentary team for this match and noted that Hook and Hobbs were torn about this match.

“It’s got to the point where Cage and Starks just have to fight it out,” said Taz.

“Starks is returning from a very serious neck injury,” said Jim Ross.

Cage went for the neck early on. He press slammed Starks! Cage kicked Starks in the corner of the ring and then began to manhandle him. Cage got a near fall on Starks after a powerslam.

Cage charged the corner, but Starks dodged him and then worked over Cage’s arm.

“Smart move. Starks is a student of the game,” said Excalibur.

Brian Cage was playing around, curling Starks, but Starks caught him with a crucifix bomb. Cage kicked out at the two-count! Outside the ring, Starks blasted Cage with a stiff clothesline. Back in the ring, Cage turned Starks inside out with a pump handle suplex. Cage tried to pin Starks, but Starks touched the ropes with his foot to stop the ref’s count. Cage connected with a thrust kick for another near fall on Starks.

Cage tried to bring Starks inside the ring with a suplex, but Starks slipped under. He powerbombed “The Machine” Brian Cage for a two-count. Starks tried to reach for the FTW Title, but Hobbs pulled it away from him. Starks turned around and was spiked by Cage. Starks kicked out just in time! Hook distracted the referee and then Hobbs rocked Cage with a belt shot! Starks speared Cage and pinned him!

And new FTW World Champion…”Absolute” Ricky Starks!

“Team Taz conspired against Cage,” said Excalibur.

“And the plan worked,” replied Jim Ross.

“The Nightmare” Cody Rhodes came down to the broadcast table and grabbed a headset.

An impassioned Cody Rhodes had very harsh words for Malakai Black but didn’t think he made his point. Cody grabbed a microphone and went down to the ring.

“Please answer the call. This is Fyter Fest and I feel like fighting,” said Cody.

Malakai Black responded from the back: “When I looked you and Arn in the eyes last week, it just wasn’t there anymore, Cody.”

“Why don’t you come down now and take a better look,” yelled Cody.

“I was hoping you’d say that” replied Malakai Black.

The arena lights turned off and the entire place turned dark! When the lights turned back on, Malakai Black was standing in the ring opposite Cody Rhodes. The two men began brawling! AEW Officials ran down to separate Cody Rhodes and Malakai Black!

Alex Marvez interviewed Tully Blanchard backstage. Santana and Ortiz laughed at Tully. Ortiz held Tully from behind and Santana pretended he was going to hit him with a crowbar. He laughed at Tully and told him it was fake, but he’d better watch his boys.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview #1 ranked “Hangman” Adam Page!

Schiavone asked him about the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega. “There is no question this is what the fans want to see,” said Schiavone.

Page: “Since Day 1 I wanted to be the AEW World Champion. I came so close, but I failed. The Dark Order is right: I still need that world championship. So I am here tonight to challenge for the All Elite—”

Don Callis interrupted Page, as he walked out with The Young Bucks, The Good Brothers, Brandon Cutler, and Kenny Omega.

Don Callis and the rest of The Elite said, “You’re not that guy, Page.”

Matt Jackson got in the ring and said “Remember us? We were the best friends that you abandoned, Page. And I can smell from your breath that you’re still hitting the bottle. And there’s no one to blame but yourself. But let’s face it. You’re the next great wrestling tragedy.”

“Hangman” Adam Page heard enough, and he decked Matt Jackson. Kenny Omega jumped into the ring and was about to hit Page from behind when The Dark Order stormed the ring to even up the odds and chase off The Elite.

“Listen Kenny, I came here tonight for a match and I’m not leaving without one. And quite frankly, neither are you,” said Page.

Omega: “I’ll do you one better. Why don’t we make it you and your guys in the goon squad versus me and The Elite? Five on Five Elimination Style!”

“That’s not the match I want, Kenny, but if that’s what it takes…and if we win that match, I get a shot at your AEW World Championship, and these guys get a shot at The Young Bucks for the tag belts!” said Page.

“I’ll entertain your idea, Page. But the thing is, we get nothing in exchange. So I’ve got a suggestion. After we beat your guys, not only do your boys lose their shot at the tag team titles, but you also lose your shot at my belt too. Aren’t you really just afraid to fail in front of everyone in the crowd? I’m going to take an extra measure of pleasure when the ‘Cowboy Shit’ chants turns to the crowd chanting ‘Belt Collector.’ So if you’re cool with that, so are we,” replied Omega.

“Kenny, The Dark Order does not back down from a fight,” said “Hangman” Adam Page.

Alex Marvez interviewed Chris Jericho backstage.

“I’m not surprised that MJF uses Greek mythology to get what he wants from me. Max, I don’t care who you bring in front of me. I will walk through fire and run across broken glass to get to you and beat you and ruin your life like you tried to ruin mine!”

Shawn Spears ambushed Jericho and smacked him with a steel chair.

MJF entered the room and said Jericho’s first challenge would be against “The Chairman” Shawn Spears next week, and the stipulation is Spears can use a steel chair in the match, but Jericho cannot!

Matt Hardy vs. Christian Cage!

“This rivalry goes back 23 years,” said Jim Ross.

“He has never defeated Matt Hardy one-on-one,” noted Excalibur.

They started with a collar and elbow hook-up, both men wanting to prove they are the better wrestler. They spilled through the ropes and were still locked up on the arena floor. Finally, Christian Cage whipped Matt Hardy into the steel barricade. Christian Cage jumped off the top ropes, over the ring post, and hit Hardy with a double ax handle! He pulled Hardy back in the ring for a reverse DDT, good for a near fall.

Matt Hardy swiftly changed the momentum by spiking Christian Cage’s forehead on the top ring step! He followed up with a neck breaker for a near fall on Christian Cage. Matt Hardy catapulted Christian Cage throat-first into the bottom ring rope. Hardy dropped an elbow off the turnbuckles, but Christian Cage kicked out at the two-count.

The tables were turned when Christian Cage used a massive upper cut. Hardy attempted a Twist of Fate, but Christian Cage countered and then stunned Hardy with a running spear! Christian Cage crashed down on Hardy with an impressive frog splash for a near fall!

Hardy superplexed Christian Cage. Hardy was slow to capitalize, draping his arm over Christian Cage for a near fall. Christian Cage went for the Kill Switch, but Hardy grabbed the referee to distract him and delivered a low blow to Christian Cage. Outside the ring, Hardy applied the leech submission. He let go and jumped back into the ring, hoping that Christian Cage would be count out by the referee. Christian Cage returned to the ring just in time! Christian Cage impaled Matt Hardy with the Kill Switch and pinned Hardy!

The Hardy Family Office sprinted to the ring and surrounded Christian Cage. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy jumped into the ring as backup for Christian Cage. Matt Hardy and the Hardy Family Office retreated.

Tony Schiavone interviewed AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. about her first title defense next week (against former champ Nyla Rose).

“Don’t worry about my well-being after Nyla Rose put me through a table. I’m the baddest bitch on the block. So if you think for one second you see fear in my eyes, you’d better look again. But you know what is daunting? Keeping Nyla Rose relevant. Nyla may be at the top of the food chain, but I’m off the menu and I’m special order. Nyla you need my world title to have any significance in AEW, but this title isn’t going anywhere except right around my waist where it belongs,” said Dr. Britt Baker.

Backstage Jon Moxley had some choice words for Lance Archer:

“He wants to end my career. I’m not the hunted. I’m the hunter. And there is only one boogeyman in New Japan Pro Wrestling and All Elite Wrestling and that’s Jon Moxley. Lance Archer, next week you will not only be Texas-born, Texas-bred, but you’ll be Texas-dead!”

“Spanish God” Sammy Guevara vs. Wheeler Yuta!

Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor accompanied Wheeler Yuta to the ring.

The Bunny and The Blade were watching from the front row.

“Sammy Guevara is hotter than donut grease,” said Jim Ross.

Sammy used a dropkick to take Yuta off his feet. Sammy hit a standing shooting star press for a near fall! Sammy tried a shooting star press off the top rope, but Yuta had it scouted and lifted his knees up.

“Yuta’s an outstanding athlete,” said Jim Ross.

Yuta followed up with a release German suplex. He splashed Sammy from the top rope, but Sammy kicked out. They traded forearms in the center of the ring. Sammy connected with a springboard cutter and then the GTH for the victory over Wheeler Yuta!

“The Magical Girl” Yuka Sakazaki vs. Penelope Ford!

Yuka Sakazaki made her return to AEW for the first time in 16 months.

Yuka dropped Ford with two consecutive arm drags. Yuka Sakazaki cannonballed over the ropes to the outside onto Penelope Ford! Yuka and Ford had a slugfest in the center of the ring! Yuka used her leverage to drive Ford down to the mat with a brainbuster! Yuka charged in with a sliding lariat for a near fall.

Yuka kicked Penelope Ford across the face and followed up with a diving back elbow! Penelope responded with two pump kicks. Yuka Sakazaki used an airplane spin-like maneuver and then followed up with the Magical Girl Splash for the victory over Ford!

Time for our Main Event! A Coffin Match!

“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Darby Allin!

The only way to win is to stuff your opponent into the coffin and shut the lid!

Darby Allin skateboarded down the entrance ramp to the ring. He charged Ethan Page and then followed up with a Coffin Drop. Darby removed his jacket and revealed he had been wearing a metal back protector. Darby walked past the coffin and Scorpio Sky popped out of it! Sky whipped Darby into the steel ring steps.

Sting came out to even up the odds for Darby! Sting rag dolled Scorpio Sky over the steel barricade and then pursued him into the crowd. Sting battered Sky with a trash can!

Back in the ring, Ethan Page unhooked one of the turnbuckles. Page lunged at Darby, but Darby dodged him and hurled Page over the barricade!

Ethan Page set up steel ring steps in the ring and dropped Darby Allin face-first across them! Page rammed Darby with his shoulder. Page picked up the steel turnbuckle hook and attached it to the chain around Darby’s neck. Page yanked back on the hook and pulled Darby down. Darby rallied back and fish hooked Ethan Page with the turnbuckle hook! Darby dropkicked Ethan Page, knocking him down into the coffin. Darby and Ethan slugged it out in the coffin!

Ethan Page tried to rupture the eardrum of Darby Allin, slapping him repeatedly with open palm strikes. Darby chomped down on Ethan Page’s fingers! Darby caught Ethan Page with a stunner off the steel ring steps! Darby tried for a Coffin Drop but Ethan Page countered! Page nailed Darby with Ego’s Edge off the turnbuckles onto the steel ring steps!

Out of sheer desperation, Darby dug his fingernails into Ethan Page’s eyes. Darby grabbed his skateboard and jumped off the top turnbuckle, crashing down onto Ethan Page and knocking him into the coffin. The coffin lid was closed, and Darby Allin was victorious!

“Darby Allin won the first Coffin Match in AEW,” said Excalibur.

“At what price for both these men?!” asked Jim Ross.

Darby Allin wasn’t finished. Darby nailed a Coffin Drop onto the closed casket, smashing it (and Ethan Page) beneath him!

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to DYNAMITE and Night 2 of AEW Fyter Fest, live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from Garland, TX!


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